Destructive Institutions and anticipatory knowledge mini-workshop

Mini-workshop: Destructive Institutions and anticipatory knowledge

Organizer: Michael Fargano

A Destructive Institution is a legal institution that uses Corruption (legalized or illegal) and Brainhacking (cognitive plays like disinformation, propaganda and conspiracy theories) as a core part of its sustainability and growth strategy and tactics; such that the security of unalienable Rights such as Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness of people are neglected, degraded or destroyed; where, the institution’s core gains including financial gains are correlated with powerful and large scale destruction and where there is an out-of-control destruction situation with malfunctioning or no control limit to the destruction (i.e., no/poor checks) and malfunctioning or no control of the growth of destruction (i.e., no/poor balance). There are two basic forms of Destructive Institutions: Destructive Institutions for Profit (e.g., Fossil Fuels Institution driving the Climate Crisis) and Destructive Governments (e.g., Democratic Destructive Governments driving the Refugee Crisis or Totalitarian States).

Papers are welcome regarding predictive analysis of future states for Destructive Institutions. This can be based on existing Destructive Institutions applications analysis (e.g., Climate Crisis, Refugee Crisis, etc.) that are in the Destructive Institutions Body of Work or new applications analysis of Destructive Institutions (e.g., Subjugation of Woman, Water Crisis, Rainforest Destruction, Surveillance State, Authoritarian State example, Historical Example that can be use for Future State predictive analysis, etc.).

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